What is the wavelength of the Legend Series? Download the latest project files from Epilog. Selling because it is no longer compatible with our new computer operating system. This unit uses a refrigerant to cool down the laser. Vector Pin Table Raise and support your cutting materials for better edge quality.
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Laser Marking - how can you affordably mark metal parts with barcodes and logos? The Fusion M2 series features a 32" x 20" x mm or 40" x 28" x mm work area. You'll find features that improve connection capabilities, simplify project setup, and much more. The motion control provides higher detail engraving, even at the fastest speeds. Rolling buffer allows files of any size to be engraved. Designed to last the life of the system without the inevitable wobble and replacement of plastic bearings.

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Provides a visible laser beam for setting up projects to determine exactly where the laser will fire. Epilog Zing Laser Series The entry-level laser machines in the Zing series produce anything but entry-level engraving and cutting results. Front-access door features strong, hydraulic struts for easy access and stability. Air Compressor Blows a constant stream of air on the lqser area. Rolling buffer allows files of any size to be engraved.

Receive brochures and samples, and get more info from us or your local distributor. USA 20mm FL 2.

Epilog Mini 24 Technical Specifications

Laser Tube is Outputting 37 Watts. See our Privacy Policy. Specially designed for our entire line of Legend lasers, it has been built to accommodate a large variety of shapes and sizes. The Helix is our most popular laser with 24" x 18" work area and handy stand. What is the maximum diameter that will fit on the Rotary Attachment of the Legend Series?

Epilog Laser Product Line Specifications

The Mini 18 and 24 have a static table weight of 50 lbs Lenses that are rated to an incredibly high watts and can last the life of the laser system.

Laser Engraving - find out how Epilog's laser engravers can create beautiful engravings.

In rare cases you may need to reinstall your driver after an upgrade to Windows Tech Specs can be found on the manufacture's website. Epilog Legend Series Technical Specifications. Attach an air compressor to our included Air Assist to remove heat and combustible laesr from the cutting surface by directing a constant stream of compressed air across the cutting surface.

Epilog Laser | eBay

Wood Costume Glasses Laser cut wooden folding hinge glasses. The Pin Table incorporates movable pins that can be placed anywhere along the table's grid of one inch There is eepilog output port, 4" in diameter.

Request More Product Information. Receive brochures and samples, and get more info from us or your local distributor. Epilog Laser Product Line Specifications.

Epilog Legend Series: Epilog Mini 18, 24 and Helix

The latest drivers and firmware are listed below, and can be downloaded at your convenience. Easily create rubber stamps with adjustable shoulders, widening and fences. This page was last updated: Resolution User controlled from 75 to dpi.

The following recommendations are just options to consider if a new computer is necessary.


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